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online counselling for parents in different languages

Issues around school and vocational choice - online counselling for parents in different languages

Are you new to Baden-Württemberg and still feel unsure of the German language? Do you have questions about school or vocational education for your children? Then you are welcome to take part in a free online counselling session with interpretation. The Parents' Foundation Baden-Württemberg (Gemeinnützige Elternstiftung Baden-Württemberg) regularly offers online counselling in various languages. Experienced consultants take the time to answer your questions about school and vocational choice - they are supported by interpreters of the respective language.

Englisch         11.02.25 – 17.00-19.00 Uhr

Meeting-ID: 833 4002 3734


Englisch          01.07.25 – 10.00-12.00 Uhr

Meeting-ID: 826 0991 0601